Comments on: How to Create Your Best Self Tape Setup Fri, 04 Nov 2022 21:07:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 18 Aug 2019 00:43:16 +0000 In reply to Pete LaMaster.

Casting directors know what their clients want. Many times after the first take, a CD has said exactly the right thing that got me pointed in the right direction. Taping yourself and picking the best take is shooting blind in my opinion. Vanity will often cloud your decision as to which take is best. You may be looking at your appearance rather than really watching your performance. The presence of a live engaged person (the CD) often makes the difference between getting the callback or not. Taking the CD out of the audition process and leaving the decision as to which take is best in the actors hands is a big mistake. And for the actor, it really doesn’t save time, money or the environment. Particularly, if you don’t have your own home set-up and have to go to a taping studio. But the good thing is: the CD doesn’t have to rent office space.

By: Crystal Tue, 13 Aug 2019 13:10:54 +0000 Thank you! Great info and article. I feel inspired to film my own self tapes now.

By: Steve Mon, 12 Aug 2019 22:54:04 +0000 In reply to Actor.

I had that problem. This what I did: I caught a cheaper model of a Bluetooth portable speaker on sale (about $30), pre-recorded the reader’s parts into a sound file on my laptop (if you don’t have a laptop, use another recording device — the more portable, the better), and in between each of the reader’s pre-recorded lines I gave myself enough time to respond on-camera with my auditioning lines. I played the file through the speaker while acting out my lines on-camera, and it worked like a charm. I actually got cast from that audition. Just have the speaker’s volume up loud enough so that the viewer can easily hear the pre-recorded parts.

By: Max Sat, 10 Aug 2019 23:19:51 +0000 Since my iPhone 5 is HD but shoots below 4K and – most likely 1080 – is it still suitable to use it for filming?

By: Freida Sat, 10 Aug 2019 22:55:37 +0000 In reply to Pete LaMaster.

I couldn’t agree more. It is very expensive to become a good actor (education, training, fitness, wardrobe, beauty/hair, Union. dues, subscriptions) and stay on top of marketing materials.
Honestly, there are lots of jobs I get from still photos from people who have never even met me.
If you have IMBD credits and a reel – why do you need to make your next “new movie” for a casting director?
My opinion is that casting director’s are lazy and unimaginative. There. I said it.
If they are doing their job properly that will send you some sides and book a studio for the day and have the candidates of their choice come in and read.
Some people prefer self taping because it gives them an opportunity to edit and refine their audition.
Coming from a theatrical background, I know many novices who love the self taping option as they could never get through an “in person” audition. It is actually good practice, but I think the “people” part of show business has gone out the window with this self taping.
I can’t afford the set up never mind figure out the technology.
I get it – by the time you get this all “set up” you’re like “why don’t I just make my own movie”.

By: Pete LaMaster Sat, 10 Aug 2019 18:39:28 +0000 While I appreciate the trend of self-taping so that I save the time and costs of travelling to an audition – where I’m taped – I feel that the casting directors really *should* get more creative in their ability to watch *my performance* instead of how well lit, framed, edited, green-screened, and processed my recording is. THEY are ultimately supposed to be supplying the AD, DP, lighting, costumes, sets, grips, sound techs, etc. so why has it become the ACTOR’s job to impress – with the quality of the *video* being submitted? Yeah. I know. This will be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve generally found Casting Directors to lack any kind of imagination. If they did their job, they could watch my reel – or any of the 500 films I’ve appeared in – featuring hundreds of different performances and characters – and not require me to record *their* specific lines in *their* specific costume in *their* specific lighting – to decide if I can act or not. Grumble grumble. So. I’ve taken to just making my own films instead of begging to be in theirs. 🙂 To be clear, I appreciate this article and the information in it. I’m just unhappy that it is needed.

By: Tim Sat, 10 Aug 2019 15:44:11 +0000 In reply to Jewels Brettin.

also, if it is crashing, it might be your computer might be too old, or your version might need to be updated!

By: Tim Sat, 10 Aug 2019 15:42:23 +0000 we have to do what we have to do to get jobs, but self taping is also limiting to those with limited income to cover the costs of such things when all you have been able to do is be able to afford is your simple flip cell phone.
If you are in Los Angeles and a SAG Member, you can make an appointment with the American Film Institute to do free self tapes twice a week.
Also check with your local colleges to see if they offer such options as self taping. When I was in photo school, we begged local actors to do headshots with us so we could get class credit.

By: Anonymous Sat, 10 Aug 2019 15:32:28 +0000 In reply to Luis Santiago.

this sounds like a good idea, thank you for this suggestion!

By: Tim Sat, 10 Aug 2019 15:31:35 +0000 In reply to Christine.

IMovie is intuitive, so you should be able to learn it in a short period of time. I first started using it for editing my critter cam videos and was editing several videos together to make one on the first day!
