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How Do You Respond to Negative Feedback and Rejection?

Any actor will tell you that negative feedback and rejection are part of the game, and how you handle those moments makes all the difference. We asked our members how they respond to negative feedback and rejection, and they gave us plenty of great nuggets of wisdom. And although we wish we could choose them all, we pulled ten pieces of sage advice to help those currently dealing with rejection, or wondering how to react to these situations when they arise.

I try to gain as much objective criticism I can and not take anything personally! Failures are the biggest opportunities for educating myself on being successful in the future.
– Ariston Mokaya

Feedback is simply someone’s opinion, not fact. I take it in stride and don’t take it personally. Feedback is perspective, not indicative of my talent or potential. Negative press is the same. It may also make me aware of a perspective I didn’t initially see. I appreciate learning. Feedback and press aren’t really about me as an artist, they are about the expectations of those that are the source of both.

In the case of an audition or potential work opportunity, I don’t see rejection as negative. I am being made aware that I am not right for that particular project. That’s it. I am so happy to have even gotten to that level of the process. I’m grateful. I usually send a thank-you note to casting.

So often in the entertainment industry we are told there aren’t enough opportunities to go around. Of course there are—they all aren’t meant for me, though. Creating the idea of competition diminishes the feelings of community that we all need to truly feel connected and support each other in this industry. – Traysi Jetta

I handle feedback, negative press or rejection by first weighing the source. Not all feedback is constructive, or the source isn’t credible. A credible source is honestly trying to help me improve my craft. I try to see what they see and use that point of view to improve, change, and grow by abilities. It is not always easy, but it is always worth learning from others. – Mark Elam Cheney

Initially, negative feedback never feels good, especially when you’re confident that you’re qualified and that you’ve expertly delivered. However, when given time to process negative criticism, I remind myself that most people aren’t in the regular practice of doing things that scare them or make them uncomfortable.

I never want to settle for average or have comfort be my default, which means that my journey is going to include rejection, probably a lot of it. Ultimately it begins to feel less intrusive and is an honorable rite of passage, as rejection never comes without an eventual win.
– Dawna Stafford Wilson

I relish rejection as a reminder that I followed through on putting myself forward. A shot missed is much preferable to a shot not taken. And who knows what will happen on the rebound? The next volley is moments away, and each “no” is an indication that I am closer to the best possible “yes.” – Seth Paradox

I do my best to look at feedback as a new way to shape myself. If I feel down, I love doing yoga outside, [or] going on a hike—nature heals us, so I love surrounding myself in it.

Rejection is not always easy, but everything happens for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, as long as I don’t give up, a new opportunity will come my way. If I view rejection as a way the universe functions, I’m at ease knowing we all experience it, no matter how better we think others are than us. – Asucena Jimenez Cruz

I think it’s important to use any feedback as a learning tool. I agree that receiving a negative response hurts initially. Sometimes it’s even difficult to overcome. I say, take a deep breath and recognize that everyone at some point will get a negative response. However, getting any response is helpful. By default, information is power to help figure out how to improve and get better at your work. – Robert Cyr

It depends upon the tone, the words. Are they constructive criticism or are they simply mean? Who is giving the feedback, what do they really know about what we do? If it’s good feedback, I’m always open, even if it might sting. You’re never too old or experienced to learn from another’s perspective. – Lise Spiegel

Although, as creatives, it is difficult to be dispassionate about our craft(s), taking a purely businesslike approach to pursuing work can help minimize the emotional disappointment of being rejected for a role, while also empowering you to devote your full energies to the role(s) that you do succeed in getting cast for.

Take all feedback as useful—it can often inform both how you approach the execution of your craft and your self-management of your career. Don’t read press about yourself….at all. – Jamie Shelton

How I handle feedback, negative press, or rejection is when this happens, I always have the words in my head, “You’re always going to get a thousand ‘no’s’ before you get that one big ‘yes.’” That ‘yes’ could as well be the ‘yes’ that leads to a huge major role, or even your first major that changes your life forever. – Kristen Duff

​​We want to hear from you. Let us know how you’re adapting to the ongoing WGA writers strike. Your response may end up in a future community feature!

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