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How Do You Unwind After a Long Day On-Set?

When you’re on-set performing in your next production, sometimes days can go long. Other times you may be so busy that a regular set day just feels like it will never end. Regardless, you’re pretty beat by the time it’s over.

We recently asked how you unwind after one of these days, and we found out your routines range from going on hikes to being with family, to simply vegging out in a comfy chair. Here’s a sample of the many responses we received:

Actor Nerissa McCollin smiling inside a kitchen.

I take a warm shower with my favorite body wash and scrub. After I moisturize, I grab something to eat (mostly likely something with chicken), and catch up on a show on Prime/Disney+/Netflix/Hulu. While watching (or sometimes just listening) to the show, I’ll diamond paint or work on my schedule for the next day or remainder of the week.

— Nerissa McCollin

Actor Capt. Reese smiling with a blue bass guitar.

If it is early enough, I play golf. Otherwise I break out my bass guitar and have a cocktail.

— Capt. Reese

Actor Taylor Abigail Rice smiling in front of a pink backdrop.

I walk in the door and bolt straight to the bathroom to take my set makeup off. There’s something about being in makeup all day that someone else put on you with unfamiliar products —and maybe not how you would style it— that can just feel icky after a while. With my face finally clean, I go on a walk with my dog, then slump on the couch with a face mask and a comfort show…usually “The Office.” Tired tears may occur. 🙂

— Taylor Abigail Rice

Actor Fabian Jaime smiling in a white button down shirt.

I come home and feed my fish. Then I check my emails and do some self tapes via Casting Networks. Then I pop in dinner, open a bottle of seltzer water and watch movies or watch music videos. I will read closer to bed. I’ll check my emails again for any call sheet changes and then call it a night!

— Fabian Jaime

Actor Unissa Cruse standing outside a meadow smiling.

It depends on how I’m feeling. My process varies. After most long days, I immediately come home, turn on a podcast and cook a nice hot meal because I find cooking to be so therapeutic.

Other days, I’ll run a warm bath with epsom salt and light two to three candles. Once, I decided to take a moment of stillness and quiet with a calming music track and an app with [an] “Unwind” and “Relax” meditation course. If I’m wide awake, I’ll read until I fall fast asleep.

— Unissa Cruse

Actor Paul Murray smiling outside in a pink polo shirt.

Usually I’ll meet my wife for dinner and “debrief” about the day. It helps to recall details pretty soon afterward, so I can learn from them. By telling the story of the day over dinner, I can then quiet the mind and usually sleep better.

— Paul Murray

Actor Bella Grace looking confident outside.

The moment I arrive home after a long day I make some tea and open my laptop to screenwrite. It’s my second passion besides acting, and it eases my mind to relax with the characters and world I’ve created.

If I have another casting job the next day, I will read my lines and listen to some music. Nothing eases my mind more than being present in the art of cinema and film, whether that’s making it behind or in front of the camera.

— Bella Grace

Actor Leland B Thompson smiling and looking confident while sitting on a stool.

If it’s on location, I take a stroll in the area after the shoot to relax in the space and make it familiar, or go to a nearby cafe to take in the flavor of the locale. If I’m on a drive home, I sing my heart out in the car like a rock star.

— Leland B. Thompson

Actor Ania Thomas posing with a Gibson Les Paul.

After a long day on-set, I love to go on a quick hike with a good friend to catch up! This helps me get some socializing in and helps me really enjoy the nature around me. It really helps you feel one with nature and get away from the city. Then I do some yoga and end the night with a good TV show or movie.

— Ania Thomas

Actor James Wanek smiling outside in a brown denim jacket.

When I am not on-set or at my eight-hour everyday job, I like to spend time with my wife and kids. I enjoy playing video games as well. I do enjoy going to a place where I can play some Warhammer 40K with some of my friends. It does seem like my life always has a schedule for something, but I am thankful for my wife to help me through it as she is my rock.

— James Wanek

We want to hear from you! Tell us how Casting Networks has helped grow your acting career. Your response may end up in a future article!

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